However you use HTTP Headers in your day to day life, Flex Headers is here to make your life easier.
Built by someone who uses HTTP Headers every day, this extension is full of useful features to make modifying headers stress-free
Easily seperate different collections of headers by whatever you need, this could be by environment, by combination of settings or even a page for each of your projects!
Pages can also be enabled in the background so that you dont need to have it selected to be applied, allowing you to freely navigate between pages without having to worry about which headers are being applied
Filter pages to only apply headers to certain pages, this could be by URL, by domain, by query string or by a combination of regex filters
In combination with pages you can ensure that a page of headers are only applied to the specific sites you need, meaning you only need to open the extension to edit values or change settings
Easily export indivdual or multiple pages to share with your team or to backup your settings. No matter how many pages, headers or filters you have, you can easily export them to a file, send them to your team and they can import them with a single click